Andrea Kennedy-Smith

experienced, passionate and trustworthY

Fiercely Independent like Yamhill

Meet Andrea

My name is Andrea Kennedy-Smith. I have lived in Oregon with my family for almost 18 years and the last 7 years, we have lived in Yamhill County. I started out attending night school while raising my daughter, then became a Paralegal for the Oregon Department of Human Services, Child Welfare Program. I became a union leader, which has informed my perspective on how government can and should deliver. My husband and I are both public servants, and becoming a state lawmaker would be a way for me to serve at an even higher level. 

In my 17+ years as a public servant and union leader, I have heard every day from front-line public servants. I will continue to carefully think through the issues and policies that affect everyday Oregonians. I will listen to frontline workers who know how to fix things and what policies look good on paper but fall short in practice. We cannot afford to fall short and I will work hard for you to make sure we deliver. I have learned that too often, well meaning policies and top down managers try to fix problems without fully understanding them. We end up with unfunded mandates, insufficient position allocation, and critical issues to resolve. Often the most effective position is practical, moderate, and informed by everyday people like you and me.

We have a chance to elect champions that will keep the State accountable to deliver the services our communities need. We deserve to elect members of our own unique communities who understand the lived experiences of our neighbors, and can bring new diverse voices to the table where crucial decisions are being made for our future. The valuable time and energy community members give to our State when sharing their ideas, needs, and dreams must be honored with a response and action. As your champion in the legislature, I hope you will see the reflection of your voices in the decisions made for our collective future. Voices like yours and mine absolutely belong in all levels of government. I am running to be your next Independent State Senator.

I hope I can earn your vote, and I will be grateful for your financial or volunteer support!

Andrea Kennedy-Smith